
Well gang, if we lose this one then we’re REALLY bad.

I’ve been bashing the HC, DP, for doing a bad job.  Others have said he isn’t, he’s doing a good job, and backed that up with specifics.  As is my style, I say nothing but only listen.  They made a few good points, and we agreed to wait till next season.

My point is that next season will be just like this season, and so will 2018, 2019….

I look only at the macro level of game plan, talent eval, proper use of talent, game mgmt., etc.,, not the micro level of player production or effectiveness.

So my bottom line is:  OK, we *have to* wait.  But we’ll be in the same exact place.

We gained nothing in this entire season.  We will still be 7-9 like last year.  BUT…..if we lose tomorrow against the Bengals, don’t expect 7-9, expect worse.

That said, I still support my Eagles.  I have since the days of Kuharich and Vermeil.  But I won’t expect much.